Will the Real Janet Sobel Please Stand Up?
Will the Real Janet Sobel Please Stand Up?
52. Levin, “Janet Sobel,” 12.
53. Franz Meyer, Marc Chagall, trans. Robert Allen (New York: Harry N. Abrams, n.d.), 41.
54. Ibid.
55. Levin, “Janet Sobel,” 12.
56. Meyer, 610 “New York and Mexico” n4.
57. Goldberg, article in American National Biography, 352; Levin, “Janet Sobel,” 11; and Guggenheim, Out of This Century: Confessions of an Art Addict.
58. Levin, essay for Inside Out, 7nn. xviii, xxi; Levin, “Janet Sobel,” 14n31. In her essay for Inside Out, Gail Levin spelled Waylande Gregory’s first name correctly and incorrectly (Wayland); two years later, in her WAJ article, Levin settled on a single spelling, the incorrect “Wayland.”
59. Waylande Gregory, “Plainfield’s Primitive Painter,” Art in Living, Plainfield (NJ) Courier-News, January 6, 1962.
60. “Max Sobel, 63, Jewelry Manufacturer,” obituary, Plainfield (NJ) Courier-News, November 25, 1953.
61. Ibid. The obituary misspelled the Sobels’ daughter Lillian’s married name, which was Mrs. Robert Bass.
62. “Pearls to Adorn Milady Turned Out by the Millions at Local Industry,” Perth Amboy (NJ) Evening News, May 3, 1947.
63. Brooklyn (NY) Eagle, April 24, 1944.
64. Rubin, “Jackson Pollock and the Modern Tradition,” 29.
65. Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith, Jackson Pollock: An American Saga, first Harper Perennial edition (New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1989; New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991), 524–26, 873nn. Page references to the Harper Perennial edition.
66. “List of Registered Voters for the Year 1941,” Borough of Brooklyn, 2nd Assembly District, 77th Election District: 3260 Coney Island Avenue, Supplement to The City Record, New York, October 16, 1941.
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